Luke Thomas' Welsh Lamb Curry

Eat Welsh Lamb & Welsh Beef


  • 500g Welsh Lamb Neck Fillet (Diced)
  • 2 White Onions (Finely Diced)
  • 2 Garlic Cloves (Crushed)
  • 1 Red Chilli (Chopped)
  • 2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
  • 3 tbsp Curry Paste, Use to your taste but I would use a masala
  • 1 400g Tin Chopped Tomatoes
  • ½ Tin Coconut Milk
  • Bunch Fresh Coriander (Chopped)
  • Natural Yogurt (To Serve)


  1. Heat the oil in a casserole style pan or large sauce pan, sweat the onion, garlic and chilli for a few minutes until it starts to soften.
  2. Now add the diced Welsh lamb, let the lamb get some colour and then turn/stir to let the lamb colour evenly.
  3. Add the curry paste, mix through all of the lamb and onion mix. Cook out for a few minutes to start to cook the spices.
  4. Now it’s time to add the tin tomatoes, coconut milk and bring to the boil.
  5. Once boiling either turn to a lower heat or place a lid/tin foil on the Pan and cook in the oven slowly for a good 3 hours, if not use the hob for 2 hours and let gently simmer
  6. Once the lamb has been cooking for 2-3 hours it’ll be nice and tender and the flavour will be really delicious. At this stage add the coriander and drizzle on some of the Natural yogurt and serve.

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